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Everything posted by MecGen

  1. Yes I was afraid of that. I did find a post on this forum from 2021 that seemed to suggest he was back in business. I might take a shot at calling the number tomorrow anyways. Thank You I guess I have to make one then lol. Seriously, I am in the process of stripping down a Juki 563 to absolute bare case. I took a reference video so I do have documentation for the reassembling. It's always best to have a second way of looking at things. I took a LOT of measurements and recorded grub screw and wick positions, so I should be ok. Thank you
  2. Hello Everyone I am looking for a "Juki service video" that seems to be quite a few years old. I have found a small part of it on YouTube, but there no reference to where I could get a full copy. I found a reference to a machine maker, Tony Luberto. It is unclear if he is still in business. I did find an old post on this forum with his name on it and a phone number. I haven't tried calling yet (it's Saturday night) and if he is out of business, I would respect his privacy. Anyone know the video I am talking about ? Have a copy ? Know if Tony's still around ? Thanks in advance. Screenshot of the YouTube video
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