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Everything posted by PeltMe

  1. Thank you. I have cleaned those edges up and pleased to say it does look nice. I can't believe I mad it to be honest! Now to try it for height, but to be honest I did try it before hand and it sat perfect. The layers are compressed and only amount to about 14mm on the rifle so shouldn't be too over the top. Oh, by the way, I meant IPA, but somehow managed to get it wrong twice 😄 Reagrds
  2. Sorry, I was addressing the entire thread
  3. In response to the suggestions and a few hours fettling, I think I have something... It's a bit rough around the edges in places, but it's my first one and I'm quite pleased with it. The resolene has come off in two places, but has made it look quite tacky IMO. I've looked at restoring leather to try remove the finish and start again to which I found people mentioning IPS and deglazer. I got both just to be sure. I'll always use the IPS on electronics and the like. I had a bit of a struggle getting the cheek piece and tension right. It wasn't until I'd I thought I'd overestimated when I realised that I'd REALLY underestimated! Anyhow, we got there in the end. As you can see in the photo's, I've used a bit of everyone's ideas, so thank you all very much for your time and knowledge.
  4. Nice work. Looks like you've been doing it for years. I'm really into the saddle patterns and 3D pop it gives, if you've done anything of the sort? I'm going away this weekend so hoping to get some time in the evenings to mock something up. When I've decided on a shape/design I'll post my results, but until then the posts of other peoples work is great.
  5. Not a bad way of doing it, thanks. I've got some faux leather that I've been chopping up to get the shape. I think I've got the shape, just need a bit more confidence I guess. Thanks again
  6. Nice work. Nice authentic look to the rifle too! I may be asking too much here, but are there any video playlists that anyone's put together for different designs and techniques that includes all leather types and basic stitching? I've got lots of soft leather and 3xA4 pieces of 3mm dyes tan. I've definitely got some ideas of what I'm aiming for, but haven't gone into saddle stamps and swivel knives just yet. This is an example of what I'm looking for, but there aren't many contours to deal with in the example. If at all any! I suppose I don't want to chop in to expensive leather without knowing it will fit properly and look nice as well. I'm a pain in the ass when it comes to making things, so want to be as precise as possible. Thanks again for you showing your work. Much appreciated.
  7. Greetings from the UK. This is officially my first post, so, hi and here we go. I'm essentially looking for the best way to work leather around my rifle and build a small cheek rest/comb into it, as mine is rather low. I've made axe covers and sheathes, but never something that covers so many contours. There's bits on MeTube but nothing for air rifles apart from bits of bent 68mm downpipe with neoprene and two ugly bolts on the side. I want to make something that sits elegantly around the gun and doesn't make me look like a whopper. Anyone?
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