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Everything posted by ponygirl

  1. Thank you both for the helpful replies. I am new to sewing (i have only used little dinky home machines in the past) so I would probably want to slow this machine down. Pardon my ignorance, but can you tell me what exactly is a speed reducer or servo motor? How do these work to slow down the pace of the machine? Can you find them at any sewing machine shop? Also, I've found that this machine doesn't have a reverse. How difficult is it to learn how to finish a stitch off without the reverse? If it's something I can work around I'm more than willing to. Unfortunately my budget doesn't allow for a more expensive machine and if this is a sturdy one, I'd like to give it a shot, even if it means learning a few tricks. Thanks again!
  2. Hi all. this is my first post and I am a young aspiring leather worker in Vermont. I am hoping to finally fetch a used machine to begin making some chaps and chinks. The machine will need to be able to sew 5/6 oz chap leather. There will be places on the chinks where I'll have to sew 3 layers of this leather together. I could get away with only sewing 2 layers together if I use a lace on back belt. I have found a Singer Sewing Machine #153K103 for sale locally. The description of this machine according to Singer, is that it can sew light to medium weight leather. It can handle a 25 needle with #8 thread up to a #9 needle with #70 thread. Do you all think this machine might be sufficient for the task? Does anyone know if this machine has a reverse? What would you pay for a machine like this that's used and in good shape? Thanks much!
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