So, I have lurked around this forum for a bit, and when I dug these out yesterday, decided it would be a good place for help. I don't often hit a brick wall, but I can find nothing about these... Not even sure what they are... My assumption being a strap cutter of sorts.
So the threaded holes indicated in red held a straight blade, which was removed to sharped. It is profiled like the end of a butchers knife.
The screw holes indicated in yellow, i dont know what was there, but assumed a curved blade, judging by the anvil. The oblong hole perplexes me, maybe the blade had a punch attached? Maybe it was none functional?
The green circle is where a leaf spring broke off.
The orange circle is where a threaded hole for gauging screw would have been, I believe. One orange circle indicated the flat spot on the handle across from the threaded hole.
I had these cleaned very well some time ago, and saw no markings anywhere on them...
Any ideas? Anyone KNOW?
If not i would really appreciate any very old catalogs with leather working tools that i might scour. Thanks!