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Everything posted by 6ixStitcher

  1. This makes alot of sense since sewing machines are a pretty niche manufacturing industry especially if it's a specific model. Since it's my first cylinder arm, I'd probably go with a local dealer since I'm not confident with my technical know how yet and they can probably also provide some after service care/help. Great advice thank you! This helped me alot. This is the type of info you'll never just find on Google haha
  2. I've been going down the rabbit hole on which cylinder bed machine to upgrade to from my flatbed and I've been wrestling with whether to get a used Juki or a new clone. Alot of the used Jukis in my area look pretty rough and are scarce (in Canada). Given that, I've seen really popular clones (Cowboy, Cobra, Techsew, Kobe) which all command different price points. And on Alibaba there's even more clones with brands I've never even heard of. My question is - are these mainly all just coming out of one or two factories or is there a significant difference between clones?
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