Today I received a Juki 1541 Walking Foot. I'm still waiting for my Guttermann Mara 30 Polyester to arrive next week (which will likely be my preferred thread).
In the meantime, I've been practicing with Realm Bonded Nylon (40s) which I happened to have on hand, on 2.0–2.4mm (5–6oz) Veg Tan doubled up.
Photo A shows the top of the leather I have practiced on:
Stitch Length 5, Needle 19 (120)
Stitch Length 5, Needle 23 (160)
Stitch Length 6, Needle 23 (160)
Stitch Length 6, Needle 23 (160)
Stitch Length 6, Needle 23 (160)
Stitch Length 4, Needle 23 (160)
Photo B show the bottom of the leather. However, in each case I'm left with this unsightly rough impression where the needle penetrates through.
My question: Is this normal behaviour on an industrial sewing machine? If so, I'll stop obsessing. If not, I'd love some advice on how to minimise the effect.
Note: I appreciate that I haven't quite dialled in the tension yet, but I'll address that tomorrow. I didn't have much time to try it today.