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About shannaantrim

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  1. G'day everyone, I came across this thread due to a link being highlighted in my cPanel for my website. I have read with great interest this thread and just wanted to clarify a few things. I am the person who designed/created Warmbloods Australia and wrote the (I suppose you would call it) article about saddle fitting, etc in Australia. This web page was instigated by me being frustrated with the lack of information for correct saddle fitment, list of qualified saddle makers and fitters, etc. within Australia. I am a rider wishing to do the right thing by my horses, as are many others. My knowledge of saddle fitting and so forth is lacking, hence my interest in finding a so called 'qualified' person to assist me. The amount of available information and listings of people qualified in Australia to help me was poor. If you know Australia, it was a mate in Victoria who told me in Queensland where I could find somebody and it was only through word of mouth. As stated on the bottom of my web page, "Please note: Warmbloods Australia is in no way affiliated with Horseland, Saddlefit 4 Life or any of the above mentioned companies." I am just an ordinary person that is in no way associated with the saddlery construction or fitment of saddles business...horses are my hobby, not my business (means of work). I started researching things for myself and listed the information I came across so that hopefully it could help other "Aussies" find the best solution for their problems with locating saddle fitters and understanding what it is all about. It was a great learning curve for myself. The reasons why certain things are not expanded on, for e.g. further costs, what is involved, etc is because I just don't know. I have provided information that I have gathered from people nice enough to offer their assistance/knowledge. My concern for Australians, which is what I raised to some other people, is what happens to people that do not have Horseland in their area, do not shop at Horseland or do not have a so called qualified saddle fitter at their Horseland store? Where does this leave these people and their horses? Peter Horobin and Saddlefit 4 Life are starting courses in Australia, but again I do not have extensive knowledge on what they teach, how far abroad their teachings will go etc. I would be greatly appreciative if the forum members of Leather Works could help clarify, expand, assist in making the article more informative or more accurate (feel free to e-mail me privately re: this topic). The more information that is available to people the better off their horses will be - my sole aim. I apologise if some of my so called quotes don't make sense...they're written from information I have sourced and not being an expert in this area might not make much sense! Again, any assistance appreciated. Thank you for your time. Kind regards, Shanna Antrim. mail@warmbloods-australia.com
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