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About Drake

  • Rank
    New Member

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Commedia Masks, Tooling, Cobbling
  • Interested in learning about
    Medieval methods & tools, anything leather really
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Recommended by a friend in the SCA
  1. New to the list, but not so much to the craft. I've been doing leatherwork for 15 years now (has it really been that long, wow). I have done a bit of most everything I can get my hands into. I've made bull- stock- and snake-whips, mugs, shoes & boots (re-enactor), knife and sword sheaths, motorcycle accessories, costuming, lingerie, BDSM gear (cuffs, collars, floggers, paddles, etc.) pouches, archery equipment (quivers, arm-guards, shooting gloves, and stringers), Sporrans, Corsets, (minor) armor (Bracers and greives), I do tooling with a specialization in figure carving and Celtic Knotwork and have never done the western style "Sheridan" floral stuff. Right now though, my main focus is on Commedia dell'Arte mask making, done as closely to Renaissance methods as possible. I perform with the troupe i'Scandalli and I do all of the masks they use. I'm a member of the SCA, so much of what I do is "period" pieces. Professionally, I am a cobbler and general repairman at the Xenia Shoe and Leather Repair. We repair most any leather items, upholstery being one of the main exceptions. Not sure what else to add, but great to meet all of you! It's good to be among like-minded folk... Leather ROCKS!! Drake P.S. I'll post a few pics of some of the tooling I've done and masks I've made soon.
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