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About ziggycash

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    New Member
  1. not sure if this helps but about 10 years ago i had a friend paint on the back of my leather jacket. she said that she found the best stuff to use is the cheapest of acrylic. rub it in real well. she didn't do anything to seal it i've lived in the cold wetness of seattle and the dry heat of san diego, ride all year long and in that time not so much as a flake or crack in the painting. and it still looks as good as when it was painted.
  2. thats real cool stuff and it goes nicely with the mix of old and new school. and the final inking is sweet.
  3. dont get me wrong i like the looks of florals and want to be able to do them real well i just cant seem to get it visualized very well when i do it. i think since i'm just starting the training stuff seems to cram every little tool in there so i can learn them but it makes it look a little busy. all in all i'm just messing around and pulling stuff from the net and seeing if i can do it. and the random skulls and flash seem to go with leatherworking perfectly.
  4. thanks i was really happy with my tooling on the girl and then i started to ink it and it went in a totally different direction than i initially intended. i think i'm glad it went that way cause i'm very happy with the way it turned out. both of them were just messing around figuring out how to use the tools. i seem to have a problem wrapping my head around the traditional stuff and after a while of learning on the flowers and scrollies i have to go off and have a little fun on my own.
  5. I just started leatherworking. picked up a tools and have been having a blast desecrating defenseless hides with my cuts and scratchings. here are some pics of a pair that i am so far most proud of
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