The way I glue is I set the gun on top of the inside piece of leather (for a pancake holster). Then I outline the gun with a pencil and just basically glue in the outer areas, leaving a space of about an inch (could probably go smaller) between the gun line and the glue.
I figure without the constraints of the stitching, I can mold the leather perfectly over the gun, and have a tighter, more defined mold. Then I can drill the holes and stitch as close to the gun as possible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the closer you can stitch to the gun, the more durable the mold will be and the tighter the leather will hold the gun. It'll also look aesthetically pleasing as it'll follow the mold outline perfectly (or as near perfect as I can do it).
I hope that makes sense.
How much space do you leave between the glue and the gun?
Thanks, all, for the responses.