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  1. Hi All, Here's a saddle I made a little while back. It's built on a SF Bowman 16" tree. It was very challenging because I made the saddle while in Iraq. Regards Chris Schutte Schutte Lederwerke
  2. Hi Dave, Yes, lugging it all with me. Lost some tools because of airline regulations though. We are a tough lot, us South Africans! Cheers Chris Hi Storm, Thank you for appreciating a lot of hard work. Baie dankie vir jou gawe woorde. Dit word opreg waardeer. Regards Chris
  3. chrisschutte

    Schutte Lederwerke

    Some of the work I've done
  4. Hi all, Here's my latest saddle I made for a Colorado rancher. A Western saddle made in Iraq by a South African......I suppose it can get weirder. Regards Chris
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