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Everything posted by leatherhead117

  1. Thanks for your input, I will have to look up the book "Packing Iron". I have the book from Al Stolhman. It was a great help with both holsters. A retention strap is a great idea. Thanks. I'm always looking for ways to improve, as I have only been working with leather for not quite a year yet. Thanks.
  2. Thanks DCKnives, This really does help as this was the first of each kind of holster I have made. I too agree with the "skirt" being too wide. I thought that maybe that was how it was suppose to be, at first. The Western holster came straight out of Al Stolhman's book how to make holsters. But I think that I misjudged and deffinetly need more practice. The one for the 1911 was purely for fun and the very first I have ever made. The wings were widened purely for practice with stamping, yet I agree way too wide for practical use. I never thought about the depth of the gun, I will deffinetly remember that. Thanks. And I have been learning how to line holsters and sheaths since these were finished because I agree that they look much better that way. Thanks again, I appreciate the input.
  3. Here are a couple of holsters that I made for a friend. The one with the Colt 1911 is the very first holster that I ever made and the one with the Vaquero is the 3rd holster that I have made. Any input would be helpful as I have had several other people come to me and ask for some holsters. I am looking for any kind of critique. Good, Bad it will be looked at as constructive. Thanks.
  4. Here are some things I have finished lately. Most are Christmas presents for family. The holsters are some things that were done for friends. They were practice pieces and I only charged for the materials that were used. Mainly because I wasn't sure what to charge, or rather what they and my time are worth. All comments are welcome. I know the many mistakes that I made, but I look forward to any comments from everyone here. Fixing to start a new project...Suspenders for our new bunker gear at the Fire station. Pics coming soon. Any advice on them would also be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  5. Okay, Thanks guys, I have an adjustable V-Groover, and it does do a good job, just not really for what I want to do. The videos are great, thanks leatherworker, and I am going to try the plate glass. You're right about practice, just got a little frustrated cause I wasn't seeing any improvement. Pictures are coming soon I promise.
  6. Hello, I have been hanging around and visiting this site pretty regularly for several months now. Great site, by the way. Hoping to be able to post some pics of my work soon, no camera available when I get finished with one. Anyway, I've learned a lot from this site, but haven't posted very much. A little gun shy I suppose. But here goes. I am working on a present for my mother in law, a set of personalized coasters. Nothing compared to what I've seen on here, again greatness all over this site. What I need help with is the container that will hold the coasters. I have cut out a piece of leather in a square and wanted to miter the edges, then sew another piece, 4 total, on opposite corners. That way they have something just as nice, made of leather, to keep them in. My miters need a lot of work. they all end up uneven and well, just bad. Is there a tool for this or does anyone know how to make one? A frustrated mind would like to know. Please, any help would be welcome.
  7. Looks Good! On your rivots with the thicker leather... One trick that I learned was to use a French edge beveler and stick one side in the hole punched for the rivot. Then skive in a circle, using the hole as your center. This kinda counter sinks the hole for the rivot. Just be careful and practice before you try on the real piece, as it is easy to overdo it. And that could be bad.
  8. OK, I was unable to upload the rest of the pictures. Sorry, will try again. Here is Ft.Worth, downtown out front of the arena.
  9. Here are some pics of the first things I have ever done with leather. The first is a carving on of a maltese cross, a Fire logo. I know it's pretty bad, both the pictue and the carving, but it was my first. I had no idea what I was doing. Who am I kidding, I still have no idea what I'm doing. That's one reason I'm on this website. The others are of some scrolling and flowers that I have been practicing. I am fixing to start a class at Tandy in Irving. Hopefully it gets better. Anyays I work at a firestation so I can handle any and all comments, critiques, ect. Let me have'em. Thanks Dave. P.S. I included some of Ft. Worth for those who were asking. More to come.
  10. Well I will also try to get some pics of Ft. Worth out to you as well. "Cowtown" is a great place to be these days. What would you like to see?
  11. Hey thanks guys I will have to come out there and check it all out. I will try to post some pics of some stuff I have done on the scraps laying around the house. Everyone stay safe out there. Dave AKA Leatherhead117
  12. Hello all! I am new to the fine art of leather work. I am a firefighter and have recently picked up the leather bug from from my daughter's Indian Princess tribe. Kinda like girl scouts only a father/ daughter thing. Anyway I have been reading alot of your posts and picking up a lot useful info. I am planning on eventually trying to make a pair of leather bunker gear suspenders for work. I have been practicing in my off time and an in need of any useful advice. It is truely impressive to see all of the different styles and techniques used out there. I am still trying to decide which is my favorite. I really like Stolman and F.O. Baird. Any how you guys keep up the awesome work, it is an inspiration to others.
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