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Posts posted by Talonzz

  1. While rummaging thru the local antique shops back room I found an old treadle sewing machine... the machine looked to be in good condition, but the Wooden case/table was shot to he77... I asked the guy how much he wanted for it, being a cabinet maker I figured I could re-build the cabinet. He told me $20.

    Has anyone had any experience with these old gems? I know they are used alot in the quilting circles. I would be using it to sew together moccasin weight leather and thinner. I figure if most people are hand cranking the motorized machines anyway... why pay for the motor? and with a treadle i can crank the machine and still use both hands to guide the material thru.

    A couple of links:




  2. I found this Chocolate Brown deer leather in an Antique store, of all places, stuffed inside some old crocks, for $10 per hide and bought 4 of the 6 or 7 they had there (I wish now that I would have bought them all) I wasn't sure what I was going to use them for at the time but I think I finally put them to good use.

    This "Jerkin(?)" is the first garment I've ever made. It looks a bit wrinkly in these photos, but the wrinkles come out when I have it on and it looks awesome... I'm sure me dear departed Mum was guideing me along a bit. One question I have is... What makes a Jerkin a Jerkin? Does it have to have the little extensions on the top of the arm opening? I'm thinking about adding them... not sure yet though.

    Comments and Critiques VERY welcome...




  3. I'm new on the boards here, and from Minnesota too. I get a lot of inspiration from our Ren Fest, but never want to pay the prices too. I think I'm on the bandwagon to request a pattern if you would be ever so kind. And where abouts in MN are you?

    I recently went back to work and have been VERY busy... I do still plan on putting together a pattern that I can email to those that would like it. Please be patient... Maybe those who would like a pattern could message me your e-mail address so I can send the pattern and instructions directly. Let me know what file format would work best for you, I can export just about anything.

    Missy: I am about an hour north of the cities on Hwy 169 in Milaca. Welcome to the boards ;-)

  4. While looking for garb for our Ren Fest here in Minnesota my wife fell in love with these, but hated the price... I decided I'd give it a try myself... I Ordered some elk leather and started prototyping, first in canvas, then deer leather and tried to figure them out by looking at the photos on the website , a bit of trial and error and finally... Success!!! we think... She loves them.

    xfrontb.th.jpg rosettea.th.jpg

    finfrontc.th.jpg finfrontb.th.jpg

    finfronta.th.jpg finbacka.th.jpg

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