Thanks for the help....that is exactly what I am looking for. In my day, there was no 'eco flo', and some of the things I used (probably incorrectly), aren't around anymore. I know that when I went through my tools, and compared to the current Tandy catalog, I had several that they don't sell anymore.
Now, one more question. If I want to make an area lighter than the rest, (the hands) according to the Sheridan formula, when do I apply the resist (I am using Super Shene as the block out...any recommendations there on a better block out? It seems a couple of coats of super shene does the trick). Back to the question. Would I apply that resist BEFORE the overall coat of neatsfoot, then the neatsfoot, etc etc, or would I do the neatsfoot, THEN do the resist, and then the rest, or what? How would you do it?