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  1. I bought a Pfaff 545 a few weeks ago and I love it. The motor, however, is way too fast for my tastes and I find that with precise stitching around corners I have to turn off the motor and start moving it by hand. This lends itself to really inaccurate and uneven stitching, because the fabric shifts too much. I want to sell the motor and get a servo on Ebay. The motor it has now is a 1/3 HP 1450 RPM "Subem" model M-60. I looked them up and found nothing. My guess is that they are a defunct Japanese company. What would be a fair asking price for this type of motor?
  2. Learning to set bobbin tension was immensely helpful, especially when switching between bobbin threads. If you hold the case by the thread and drop the bobbin case, it should drop about an inch and a half. You can get by with just one case once you learn how to get it perfect.
  3. I'm thinking of getting a CSM 550 for my Pfaff 545 since they can be found for about 130 shipped in some places. Is it hard to install a reduction drive for these? Where can I find one?
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