So I decided I want to try and make a wallet. something far more complicated than anything I have tried thus far. I want a nice thick wallet. Dont ask my why but I like having my wallet feel like a tumor in my butt cheek. Gives me the security of always knowing its there.
My 2 questions are A, What is the thickest leather you would go with that wont be TOO ridiculous? Again, I want this to be a nice, thick, fat wallet but i also need to be able to fold it shut. What would you guys suggest? Whatever I decide to go with im probably going to get a hide from Tandy since they are local to me here in chicago.
My second question is what tool is the easiest to make those nice curved corners and the curves on the card slots? im only a few months into my new hobby but the ONLY tool I have seen for making round cuts is the "round" knives.
Is this the best tool for making the round edges on the corners and card slots?
any other insight that you can think of would be great as well. this design on the wallet looks simple but im still pretty nervous. should be a fun project for someone that has only made a few small things. Thanks in advance!