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Everything posted by Gabrielle

  1. Hi....I'm new here and just "bumping" this topic....to add.... I am trying to get ahold of Dennis Lane to order his card system, his email on his site is "FULL" or something. {Does anyone know how to phone Australia from the states?} I would love to order his card system as my little Paso Fino mare, is incredibly who is very difficult to fit a saddle. All my friends have tried their saddles on her....BUT...NOTHING fits. I'm SO CONFUSED as to saddle trees and what I am looking for. So here's an age old question: How exactly is the tree suppose to fit? I mean.....the horses' back moved up and down and twists...just like our spines... My Kieffer dressage saddle, seemed to fit her fine, now we are riding in some pretty steep ravines UP and DOWN...I think the friction has moved the saddle all over the place. Now she has white hairs.....I FEEL LIKE A TERRIBLE HORSE OWNER. Please help. I'm hoping to purchase an authentic Australian saddle...... All advice is greatly appreciated and accepted.
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