Johanna: I'll look forward to any help. Thanks.
Back in the old days, I believe the machines were heated to melt the wax for lubrication.
As was the basic instruction when I recieved the machine; I do not operate the stitcher unless all marked areas are properly oiled. Each and every time I used the machined, they were oiled. As I mentioned before, the people at Campbell were very helpful when I called with a problem. But, I understand how busy they were/are and it is difficult to fix a problem when you cannot see it for yourself. I have a manual, but it is limited in its scope of instruction. Or, being a novice, I just don't get it. Yet. Hands on is the best teacher and I do admit I need more time on the machine. But, I learn by seeing. A video or dvd detailing its operation and trouble shooting would be helpful. I expressed this to Campbell when I bought the stitcher. I didn't hear any more on this issue. Still, they went out of their way to help when I needed it, and I can not fault Campbell.