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Montezuma Monazym

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Status Updates posted by Montezuma Monazym

  1. I've been thinking about you, babe.

  2. My heart-fu is stronger than yours.

    ♥ ♥

  3. Excuse me while I kiss this guy.

  4. Not bears! Anything but bears! D:

  5. The 106, although awesome, is unnecessary for the class. Jim had mentioned students could use the 106 OR whatever the other bargrounder was. <3

  6. Ooh, Freddie Mercury. He's so dreeeeamy!

  7. You're the best.

    So, about washing those cars...

  8. You need to log in more so I have somebody to talk at. D:

  9. I must admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him; looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man.

  10. I'll be working on my saddle when Kirby starts his.

    Also, you should totally get to Wednesday Night Workshop before I go home. I missed you tonight. D:

  11. Have a great holiday, Tim!

  12. *coughs on*

    It's my mission to get everybody sick. Misery loves company, after all. :D

  13. It's starting to get too cold to wash my car. Water + Cold Weather + Heather does not mix.

  14. ... Luff in your jib? It may just be my gutter-prone mind, but that sounds filthy.

  15. No. I think you occasionally worry about eating and sleeping, too. But mostly shopping.

  16. Bear costume? Well then, now all you need is a fireplace to lounge in front of.

  17. Would you be surprised if I was?

  18. You truck told me it's sad and lonesome at the shop. :(

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