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Unforgettably Overlooked

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Everything posted by Unforgettably Overlooked

  1. Hm, adding to my own post, but... Not really useful for leatherwork for me yet, but when I sew I have magnetic strips screwed to the back of my bookcase. They hold my scissors, rotary, etc, and when I thread a needle, it goes there and stays threaded and untangled while I work and it's literally at eye level. I don't know my most used leatherwork tools yet, so not really something I'd do there, but it might be useful for someone else.
  2. I'm trying to work this fairly new craft into storage space while still having room for my old art supplies and sewing supplies. In the process, I found an "As is" spice rack which fit the Fiebings/Eco Flo 4 oz containers quite nicely, and made some unused wall space usable and freed up some shelf space. Got me thinking that someone else must have some really inovative storage solutions from over the years to get things out of the way efficiently, cheaply, and organized well. Care to share?
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