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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets, purses, small projects . . . chopper seats
  • Interested in learning about
    Chopper, bobber, motorcycle seats
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    search for wet-forming tips

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  1. Thanks, K-Man! This set looks awesome! I appreciate the pics and your taking time to respond. Helps a lot.
  2. Thanks, Shooter! The angle sounds like a good way to go. And, checking with the customer makes entirely too much sense.
  3. Thanks, Shooter! The angle sounds like a good way to go. And, checking with the customer makes entirely too much sense.
  4. I have a customer who wants a bobber seat done in sharkskin. Which way should the grain of the leather go? Front-to-back? Or side-to-side? I have a piece that will work perfectly if it goes on with the grain side-to-side, but I was wondering if there's a "right" direction that the grain should be going. Thanks!
  5. Could someone please recommend a finish/sealer for motorcycle seats? I'm making chopper/bobber-type seats, and I've used SuperSheen before, but I'm not sure it's the best application for these projects. Thanks!
  6. After much noodling around and trying to figure out the best way to approach it, I finally finished my first seat. (Been doing other types of leather work for years, but this was new for me.) This seat's going on a Knucklehead. Customer was very pleased with the look. Thanks to all who offered advice and support.
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