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About Chain

  • Birthday 07/18/1951

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    Townsville, Australia
  • Interests
    Learning to make leather masks, bags etc


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  1. Thanks Chain.  I spent hours searching for decent outline drawing & never saw the one you sent. There are several in that bunch I can use. I screen capture the image, size it & then copy to transparency film as a template.  Here in Central Texas, the armadillo is a very popular creature for painting & nature photos,  I can't remember seeing it on purses etc.  You have been a great help & look from where. I ran into a lot of you guys when I was in Viet Nam 69 & 70 - great soldiers.

    1. Chain


      Thanks Herbworff

      glad I could help


    2. Chain


      I will expalin how I did it to find the ouline drawing.

      We will look for skulls.

      1. Google Skulls

      2. Click on "images" (you should now have a heap of skull images)

      3. You should have a menu at the top like this  "All - Images  -  Shopping  -  Videos  -   News  -  More  -  Settings  -   Tools"

      4. Click on "Tools"

      5. A new menu will appear

      6. Click on "Type"

      7. Click on "Line Drawing"


      now you have a heap of skull outlines to pick from.

      Hope this helps in the future


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