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    Saddles and Saddle Trees
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  1. I am searching for information about a saddle maker...Jeff Kask. He was from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and I was told he made saddles for several Hollywood movie stars including Robert Duval, Kurt Russell and Tommy Lee Jones as well as making the saddles used in the movie Tombstone. Any information and insight would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Bob, Thanks for the information! I went to the ASMA site and found it to be most informative. I truly had no idea that this organization existed. It was not my intention to offend you or anyone else. I do not expect saddle makers to work for minimum wage. I expect that they are smart enough to make a profit that supports their lifestyle. If they can't, I assume they supplement their income through other employment or other horse related skills. My intention was to become an informed consumer before I made my next purchase. I had no idea custom made saddle prices were such a sensitive topic within your profession. Once again, I would like to thank all those who provided me with advice and I hope all of you are successful. My intention concerning my last post was to communicate to other consumers that there is at least one saddle maker who at this point in his career will make a custom saddle with high quality material at the upper end of production saddle prices. There are others listed within this thread in the mid $2,000.00 range as well as these additional saddle makers I found: cowcampsupply.com made by Sparky Wallace with a base of $2200, smithleatherandsaddlery.com well equipped with a base of $2495, Paul Custom Saddlery at ranchhorseoutfitters.com with a base of $2100, sugarcreeksaddlery.com with a base of $2000, and 246ranch.net using Quality Mfg. trees with a base of $2495. All of which are at or below the ASMA poverty price index! Now I don't want to start a war either, however, in the spirit of discussion, I will address your last comment. Since you have assumed the role as spokesperson for...as you put it...you and the other saddle makers who did not try to sell me a saddle...these are my personal feelings on the matter. What I do for a living has absolutely no bearing on this topic. I can't speak for the other Federal law enforcement officers who you feel should be paid minimum wage, but I love my profession and I'm good at it. You are a tax payer and I do in fact work for you. I find it interesting that an Executive Director of the ASMA finds it necessary to attack a public servant in a public forum over his attempt to educate himself and others to simply "buy a saddle". If I must, I will work for minimum wage again. In this day and age, If you have a job and are blessed with the ability to work at something you truly enjoy doing you simply make it work. So, lobby your state representative or run for office yourself and make it happen if that is truly how you feel. I will simply leave the last word for you. Respectfully Submitted Weazer
  3. Well, since I started this thread for my own selfish reasons, I thought I would chime in. The internet is truly a marvelous tool. I'm no saddle maker. In the grand scheme of things my input really doesn't matter. I'm just a consumer. I'm the person who needs to be convinced that what I'm buying is worth its price. I initially asked for advise concerning having a custom made saddle constructed for a price of $1500.00 to $2000.00. I was hoping that someone would say "I'll make you a saddle in that price range." Instead, I was told by everyone that it could not be done at that price, but for a few hundred dollars more, I could find one. I wasn't asking for a handmade saddle made solely by the individual saddle maker for that price. I knew a saddle made in that manner would be very expensive and quite frankly one that I would tend to baby. What I was looking for was someone who would work with me to build a saddle that would fit my horse and I, and have all the necessary bells and whistles to accomplish the job. Simply, a good ranch saddle made to order. What I was looking for was an up and coming saddle maker who was hungry for business. After reading this thread, it appears that most of you are very experienced and still make saddles individually (handmade), and it should be reflected in the price (I assume someone buys your saddles). I guess that if you have a saddle shop and employ others to help you build saddles you can't honestly say you made it. You can most certainly say that you managed its production, place your name upon it, and sell it as a custom made saddle (please correct me if I am wrong). And that was the type of saddle and saddle maker I was looking for. I didn't find Jeremy Snead on this website, I found him through a google search for ranch saddles. So, for my fellow consumers, this is what I decided to spend my money on. Mr. Snead is making the saddle with his own two hands and the hands of his employees. It is being made on a premium saddle tree made by Randy at Timberline. It's more expensive than his other trees, $350.00 to $400.00 with shipping, but Randy makes it himself with the assistance of machinery. Randy sent me the rough tree to try on my horse before he covered it with rawhide. It was a perfect fit. Mr. Snead had walked me through the measuring process prior to this through the use of photos and cell phones to insure a good fit. Neither of these two individuals knew each other prior to this exchange. My saddle will be made with top grade leather from Wickett and Craig, the very best wool fleece lining and Bork hardware, turned and braided fenders and just the right amount of hand tooling for a using saddle. I don't know what the final price will be, however, when it is finished, I will let everyone know and post photos. Both Randy and Mr. Snead (Jeremy) have been a pleasure to deal with....straight forward and honest.
  4. I would like to thank all of you for your advice in this post. I decided to have the gentleman I mentioned earlier in this thread (Jeremy Stead) make a saddle for me. He came across as a very knowledgeable and honest man. We hooked up with Randy at Timberline to make a premium tree based upon measurements taken of my horse. The price will be close to my budget but we have not finalized it yet. As for the Colorado Saddlery saddles....I do really like them, however, as a twenty year federal law enforcement agent in Chicago....I just can't buy something made by inmates....too many bad experiences, and too many good people should have those jobs. Strictly my opinion for my own reasons. I wish I hadn't found out where they are made. I went to all of the web sites provided by all of you, and must say there are some very amazing saddles being made. Maybe someday in the future I'll take that jump. I love the handle "Hidepounder", however, it has a different meaning here. LOL
  5. Thanks JW......I would actually prefer a good used saddle and I'm searching. I spoke to a saddle maker a couple of weeks ago whose name is Jeremy Stead and operates his business as www.ranchsaddle.com. He has made some very beautiful/durable saddles with top quality leather and hand tooled in the price range I mentioned. He's been doing it for eleven years. However, he uses Baties Trees and trees from a maker in Georgia. Once again, when I research these tree makers, most if not all of the professional saddle makers believe the trees are sub par. I looked at your website and viewed your saddles. It is apparent that they are high quality and your resume speaks for itself. However, I don't make my living with horses, and as much as I would like to park my butt in a 3,4,or 5 thousand dollar saddle, I just can't justify it. I do ride a great deal of the time and sometimes I ride very hard and long hours. I plan on talking to Mr. Stead about making a saddle on a different tree, but wanted to hear from other professionals like you first. Do you know of Jeremy Stead.....his reputation etc...? Of all the production saddles, which do you think are made the best? I've also looked at McCalls, but some stated that a custom saddle could be made for the same price. I obviously don't know if that is true or not. None of the production saddles I've owned have sored my horse, so I'm not opposed to purchasing another. But, I would really like to get a good ranch type model that can handle a rope, mountain riding, and team penning. Any suggestions? Weazer
  6. I'm in the market for a good ranch/trail saddle and need some advise. I recently went Elk Hunting and the outfitter had a Colorado Saddlery Continental Divide that I loved. Started looking and stumbled across this website. Found out that they are made in a prison and use Hadcock and Fox trees. Found out that most of you think those trees are junk. I've owned a Billy Cook trainer, older well built, but not what I wanted so I sold it. I purchased a SRS with a 7 inch gullet width but it was too wide for one of my horses. I am currently using my wife's Tucker, but it is too fufu. I have also ridden in Teskey's, Vinton and some Martins that were decent, but once again, most on this site are really down on rack, production saddles. I am considering working with a custom or semi custom saddle maker to build or sell me a saddle. However, I don't want to waste anymore money. I'd like to get it right this time. I only want to spend 1,500 to 2,000 dollars. It would appear that several of you agree that timberline saddle trees are good production trees. Are there any saddles made on these trees that can be purchased off the rack or ordered in my price range? Or, is there a saddle maker who can make a saddle in this price range that is custom or semi custom. Your comments and advice is appreciated.
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