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Baba Brad

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Holsters and sheaths
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    Zombie Squad redirect

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  1. Here's my newest holster attempt. It's for a SW40VE. Basic pancake design, but my first attempt at using a stamp. Went with a simple veiner to dress up the border. Boght a medallion on clearance at my local Tandy and used some scrap, softer leather for the body trim.
  2. Thanks JD, may have to start that on my next break.
  3. Sweet job, gives me inspiration to make one for myself now.
  4. And it's not black. This is the one my brother made for the knife Side by side I think this one turned out okay. Made a few mistakes in the stitching prep (holes in the backside look terrible) but it fits the knife perfectly. I'll make another one, probably tomorrow and see if I can decorate it a little.
  5. These are the 2 tutorials I found online that helped me out loads. #1 #2
  6. So, newest project. From design to finished sheath in about 4 hours, not including overnight drying. Plain black, not worried about it getting beat up while out in the woods. The sheath that came with the knife was a cheap thin vinyl so I had been determined to make soething more substantial and rugged. I think I hit with this sheath. I like black. There's an extra layer of leather between the front and back, not sure what it's called. The opening is slightly formed for fit, the interior is roomy to lessen the chance of slicing it to pieces. But not too roomy. Belt loop on back, instead of slits like the original. I've a small skinner that was a gift from my brother. Antler handle from his first deer and the blade was made by "some ole' crazy redneck back in the woods" (his words, not mine) I'll make a new sheath for that one and just might try some type of ornamentation.
  7. I had to dig through 2 piles of shoulders to find a unifrom piece. I like black. Can't help it. I am toying with the idea of doing the next holster in mahogany. I tend to think and make items for utilitarian purposes only. Well constructed and working are the 2 primary factors with appearance being secondary. Maybe as I get more comfortable with the design and construction process I'll experiment with decorative work. Just finishing up a sheath for my kukri camp kinfe. Solid black (again) simple construction, belt loop and snap closure.
  8. Like I said, I like the simple lines of unadorned work. I did wrap the pistols in saran wrap. I think the leather may have been too thick for much more detail in the forming. Or, I didn't let it soak long enough. The S&W can be turned upside down and shaken, and won't come out. The FEG, needs to be remolded to fit tighter. The holsters are darn comfortable and loooooow profile.
  9. I'm 17 minutes from Bush Airport via the Hardy Toll Road. Convenient, as that is where I work. Looking forward to reading more than posting in the beginning. I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm wary of folks that like to slam the newbies on how little they know. Of course, some deserve the slamming by claiming to know more than they do. I know that I know nothing. So, I'll be reading and learning as much as I can. And practicing. See the Show Off thread for my latest leather work 2 holsters, my 3rd and 4th attempts.
  10. So, I invested in some better than scrap leather (the local Tansy had shoulders for $19.99, 7/8 oz). Now, not knowing much about leather weight, yet, I decided that it would make adequate holsters. I have not been disappointed. Here are my 3rd and 4th holsters. The 5th one is drying at this time (Beretta 950 pocket holster with anti-print panel). I'm very pleased with the way these 2 turned out. The one for the FEG came out better in my opion, but the SW holds tighter (may or may not be a good thing). S&W Sigma .40 FEG PA-63 Honest assesment please. Any hints on improving? I'm working with basic tools and no plans yet to invest more. I like the simple design and lines of un-adorned items. Next project is a sheath for my kukri.
  11. These are my first attempts at leathercraft and my first attempt at making my own holsters. FInished them last week and carry at least one on me all the time now. Conceal well and the pancake holster sits so nicely, I forget that it's there. The pocket holster is for a Beretta 950 and the pancake is for an FEG PA-63. Both made with scraps from a 6$ bag, a Dremel tool, razor knife. Needles, thread and dye were the only things I had to really buy. Currently working on an SOB holster for the FEG. Other than realizing that I put the belt loop on upside down, I think it turned out fairly nice. Pics tomorrow if it's ready.
  12. Hey there. Found this forum via some guys that post at zombiehunters.org. Just recently started playing with leather and find it to be very relaxing. Sure, I've made some mistakes in my first few projects, but the bug has bitten and I'm looking forward to making more and more useful items (holsters and sheaths and maybe, some day, a purse for my wife). I live in Spring, just north of Houston. I'm an aircraft mechanic by trade, working for a charter company (any military folks have most likely taken a ride on one of our DC-10s or MD-11s). I've also studied the martial arts for the last 30+ years (still a beginner in that also) and in the past year, taken up pistol shooting again. I also love to hike and camp and fish. Trying to get my hands on a canoe, we've a beautiful creek with walking distance that is just made for canoeing. Married with 3 daughters (one is about to become a mom for the first time). 1 dog, trying to convince the wife a 2nd dog is a good idea. She's not buying it. I'll post my first projects up. Critiques are welcome, criticism not so much. I KNOW they could be better, I know I should slow down and bit and make my cuts neater and maybe invest in some proper tools. But, I'm pleased with my first efforts and they work. That's what matters to me.
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