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About leathertools

  • Birthday 10/30/1953

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    Custom leather working since 1975. Collecting harness and saddle tools since 1977, Collecting antiques since 1960's, Do some fishing & hunting, Like guns and old west items. Retired since 2009 from regular career. Interested in patent research, some writting. Currently started an antique shop with friend. Do some consulting for businesses for efficency, work flow, and floor plans.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    custom orders
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  1. Thanks very much for the picture of the price list. I have tried to get a copy, but had not gotten one until now. I really appreciate it. It will go great with my collection. I will put a copy in with the tools when I get the custom tool box made.
  2. To clean the handles I use a liquid paint remover with a cloth. I put a little remover on the cloth and rub the handle until the cloth shows no more dirt on it. You may have to do this several times. To clean the metal I use a soft wire wheel on a grinder. I don't use a new wheel as it will cut the metal too much. I make sure it is an older wheel or one I have used on something else first. You use a very light tough with the wheel. If you want a more finished look on the metal you can always use a buffer with compound made for steel. When done I spray eveything with a high gloss spray varnish. By using the spray varnish the item can always be redone with only using stripper again. I have done this method for years and have had no problem. As far as the tool pictures go I will see what I can do sometime. Right now most of the tools are packed up waiting for me to make a custome tool box for them. I have others I use so these are just sitting right now. I have collected harness and saddle tools since the mid 1970's. I have over 100 different brass handled draw gauges with either different names or styles of each. These are also waiting for displaying. I have run out of display room right now. Thanks for the interest.
  3. Mike, thanks for the ideas. I did not think of the expanding foam. Might be an option. Same thing with the layering of the wood. Both good idea. It sure helps to get other ideas.
  4. I am trying to complet a set of Gomph hand tools. I am looking to buy what I need to finish out my sets. Let me know what you have and I will see if I need them to finish sets. If so I will pay a good fare price as I would like to finish some of the set out. I am looking for the 1 3/8" half round strap end cutter, 1 3/8 half round strap end cutter with rosewood handle, all english point end cutters except 7/8", and 1 1/8". I need all the english point end cutters with rosewood handles. Bag punches I need are 1/4", 1 3/8", 1 1/2". I need all the trace punches except 1 1/4". I need the Pat. leather scratch compas with extra points. Pricking whees I need are the #4, 15, 19, 21, 22. Overstich wheels I need #4. I need the #0 double edge creaser. I need the #0, 5, 6 in the Box Loop Creasers. I need the #4 paten leather gum tool. I also need the #0 in common edger. I need the 3 1/2 in the round edger. In the round edge french edgers I need the # 3, 4, 5, 6. In the Vizzard I need the # 5, 6. In the Concord edgers I need the # 1 , 2, 3, 5, 6. I also need the saddlers steel plyers sm, med, lg. Also need the round nose plyers, lacing plyers, bolt nut pylers, cutting nippers, 5 1/2" screw driver and the spoke shaves. If you have any of these please let me know. Thanks much.
  5. This is used in the cobbler trade to trim leather. It looks like it is missing a part or two.
  6. I am trying to french fit some hand tools for leather working into a case. I am looking for ideas on how to french fit these into a try in the tool box. Idea is to have something like a machinest tool box with drawers and then put like styrafoam in each draw and fit the different tools into it. Tools would be like edgers, overstich wheels, ect. The the plan is to cover this with a piece of hand tooled leather with the tools cut around the french fitted foam. Looking for ideas on what to use instead of the foam. I have heard some custome gun case makers use redwood and then french fit the tools into this. I am looking for some ideas for materials to use for this that is easy to work and will not have any moisture to rust the tools as they will be right against the material. Someone mentioned to line each cut out with thin leather. This would work on the sides, but if I am going to fit the round part of the handle the bottom of the french fit area would also need to be round. Thanks for any ideas. leathertools
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