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About doc45

  • Birthday 05/21/1948

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  • Location
    S.E. Michigan
  • Interests
    Shooting handguns and riding my Harley.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Web search

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  1. Thanks for the input. I'm kind of a tool junkie and thought the tool was neat but I could see how it would help you to screw up really fast. Like others have said, I didn't see any other tool heads so I think it's use might be limited. Still, it still looks like a cool tool.
  2. I was looking at YouTube last night for any new ideas and/or tips and I saw a fellow using an electric tooling machine. It was about the size of a rotary tool but instead of spinning the tool, it used hammer strokes. Like a mini jack hammer. I thought 'this is cool' an needs more investigation. After searching the net for about an hour, I gave up. So, my question is to all of you, have you ever seen anything like this? What is the tool called? Who makes it? The YouTube video is called "Fast Carving". The fellow is doing a Eagle. Thanks in advance, Dale.
  3. happy birthday

  4. Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I found this sight by crusin' the net looking for some info on leather working. I just started making holsters for some of my carry guns and needed some help with finishing the edges. I haven't had time to look at everything here yet, but it looks like most if not all my questions will be answered. Thanks for having me. Doc.

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