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Rockin B Ranch

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  1. Thanks for the input. Have seen these pages before I came to Leatherworker.net for info. Don't seem to be quite like the saddle that I have but similar in some ways. Just can't get much info regarding this saddle from anyone. Any help out there?
  2. You were already here, oops. *blush*

  3. More than happy to oblige! However, these will have to do until I can get a few more of the saddle when I'm at the barn tomorrow.
  4. I found this saddle in pretty fair condition. Have several pics of it showing size of seat, roll, cantle, etc. Can someone please give me some information about this saddle? I can find no makers marks anywhere on it..and I have looked literally everywhere. The horn is metal and is nicely wrapped in rawhide. I do historical reenactments so the history of this saddle is important to me. Not necessarily who owned it, but who might have made it or what part of the country and what time period is it from? Thanks in advance for any help that you may contribute.
  5. howdy welcome to leather work we all love to help fokes here

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