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Everything posted by punitor1

  1. Thanks for your reply Glenn, I agree, I am sure they all come from the same factory in china (a quick search on alibaba shows that you can buy one direct for $400-500 plus freight but that's pretty risky for my taste). I did not know about W.S Bessett. I will give them a call and see what they have. I have looked at the 1341 as well and I don't mind buying used if it's in good condition. Have you used both a 341 and 1341? If so, do you think it's worth the extra money for a 1341? Thanks KGG, it is tempting to buy a Juki, if I could find a used one in good shape at a fair price it would be an easy sell. I am afraid a new one is more then I can justify. There is one on ebay LS-1341 right now for 2,400 + freight - which seems reasonable, but I hesitate to buy a used machine like this on ebay without being able to inspect it in person. - https://www.ebay.com/itm/JUKI-LS-1341-CYLINDER-BED-WALKING-FOOT-REVERSE-110VOLT-INDUSTRIAL-SEWING-MACHINE-/133026812345?_trksid=p2349526.m4383.l4275.c10#viTabs_0 Thanks for your reply Gregg, Yes, that is what I have found. The OEM Juki LS-1341 seems to retail for around $4,800 new, which is hard for me to justify.
  2. Hi everyone, I am very tired of messing around with my assortment of industrial sewing machines for a garment leather product that I make on a regular basis and I am ready to invest in a better cylinder machine. I mostly sew 2-4 layers of 2.5-3oz garment leather using #69-92 bonded nylon thread. I know I want reverse, a large bobbin and I have a need for an assortment of feet with offset edge guides (I cannot use a standard roller guide because I usually have at least some lapped seams with top stitching). After doing a ton of research I have talked myself into a Juki 341 clone, it seems to fill most of my needs. But which clone? There are at least three major brands that I have found: the Cowboy CB-341, the Cobra Class 26 and the Techsew 2750. They all look like good machines, although I would rather have a U shaped table then the space saver that comes standard with the Cobra for my needs. They all come with or have a speed reducer available as standard option (which I do want). The spec's seem to differ a bit depending on which brand is tuning them and setting them up but my needs fall within the specs of all three brands. I would like to be able to buy one locally (Central Maine) but I don't think that's really an option - although I will be driving to NYC the end of this month if anyone knows a dealer in that area? So, what does everyone have to say, whats the best brand to buy for a Juki 341 clone? Or, maybe more importantly who should I buy one from? - I have never bought a new machine before. Thanks, Travis
  3. Hello, I am looking to buy a splitter for latigo whip plaiting and general splitting with low production volume (3-5 whips per week). What spliter does everyone recommend? I have been thinking a landis 5 in 1 or similar would work well for my shop but is it accurate enough? I see the most plaiters use the C.S. Osborn manual type, why is this? Thanks, Travis
  4. My workload has increased to the point of needing to either set myself up with a Clicker or Laser Cutter. Due to the amount of complex patterns I use on a regular basis I would need to eventually invest $3,000 or more in dies to get to the efficiency level that I feel is needed. Since I am looking at a small investment in tooling I have been considering other options as well. I am wondering if anyone has had experence with CNC laser cutting leather? I generally work with latigo (usually black) in the 8-14oz range. I am specifically interested in learning what others may have experenced and what kind of edge the laser cut/what is nessesary to work it into a nice clean beveled edge? I am currently considering this machine (although maybe with a larger bed): https://www.buildyourcnc.com/item/cnc-machine-blacktooth-laser-cutter-engraver-40w Here is a youtube video of one operating: Thanks, T
  5. Wanted: 5 in 1, Creaser, Strap Edge Finisher/beveler. In Seatttle. On a budget and happy to do work on machines that need a rebuild. Let me know what you have laying around. Thanks, Travis
  6. Thanks amuckart, Glad to hear it. You are correct I did mean UFA, I have not felt the urge to make it a UFO yet... Travis Thanks Sewman, Very good to know. Travis
  7. Hello all, Does anyone know if a Singer 29UFO (predecessor to the 29-4) use standard 29-4 needles? Also does anyone have experience running Organ Needle Co. needles, are they any good? Thanks
  8. CD - Thanks again for your help. I will talk to Bob Kovar when I get around to rebuilding and needing a few parts.
  9. Thank you CD, The back is open and looks just like your 29UFA. Knowing that the serial is all numbers should help ID. Do you know where I might find parts if needed? Are most of the components interchangeable with the 29-4? Thanks again.
  10. I just purchased a Singer Treadle Patch Machine that functions but needs a rebuild (which I am going to start on shortly). It is very similar to a 29-4 but has a few different parts (such as a wood tie rod for the treadle and a solid cast iron head arm verses a lightened cast iron arm). Anyway the serial is not very legible and I am hoping that someone can help identify the model for me? Thanks
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