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About Edgar

  • Birthday 08/31/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cleveland, TX
  • Interests
    Saddle Work, and Tack w/ tooling

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    saddles, tooled leather goods
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    looking for tools online

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  1. Took 3rd in the motorcycle catagory this past weekend at an area car show!
  2. yea they were pretty simple.
  3. Edgar


    The dye I used for the Darker areas, the sides, was the Oil dye from weaver which I cut with regular oil, the leather itself was a russet veg tan from Wickett and Craig, the conchos I'm not sure my customer bought them online somewhere.
  4. yea I know, I do dumb stuff like that, I built a lower receiver for an Ar-15 from a blank forging, after time much cheaper to buy it, but I wanted to say I did.
  5. I just got pictures today of the completed project hang tight will post now! Thanks for all the kind replies.
  6. For fun one day on my regular job I designed and made these dividers if any body wants the cad files or solid models let me know I will offer em up to anybody who wants to give em a go lol
  7. Hey guys, been a member for a while but really haven't posted any of my work figured I would start sharing. This is the second seat that I have re covered and first set of saddle bags both goes on the same bike and hopefully next weekend I will have a pic of everything assembled, that last pic is for the back rest, I don't know why I don't have any finished pictures of that . Thanks for the look any criticism from the wise welcome lol.
  8. Landis #1 stitcher with treadle stand. I used thi machine before getting my Cobra (which I LOVE!!) anyways since has been sitting and is a little stiff, but with a little TLC and common sense cans be stitching again or set up for show with a little love it's b pretty decent shape for its age. Located in the Cleveland Texas area, zip 77328. Appx weight 500 lbs +- 200lbs, an accurate weight will be given if purchased for Shipping purposes. If going to have picked up by freight truck I can Paletaize and plastic wrap no extra charge and it can be picked up by freight truck at my location. price $500 a pay pal purchase can be facilitated thru my website if necasary as is, buyer responsible for shipping cost. please feel free to call with any questions. Thi item is also listed on eBay it has some more pictures. thanks for looking edgar musslewhite 936-206-0431 edgarmusslewhite@gmail.com www.krleatherworks.com
  9. I just bought one for 500 that had been sitting in storage brought it home hit it with some brake cleaner and put some oil on it and some new thread and it works like a champ if you do want to part it out I would be interested in some parts ( shuttle, throate plate, and some other odds and ends)
  10. Hi my name is edgar where are you located and can you email me a number that I can call you at ? Thanks Edgar Musslewhite emusslewhite@yahoo.com
  11. Is this machine still for sale?
  12. welcome to the site

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