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Image Comments posted by DaveJohnson

  1. Would love to see a close-up of the building you have tooled - there is a great church and castle in the village I live in which I would love to tool - how did you go about transfering the photo and creating a carving pattern?

    Any help would be appreciated



  2. Both Pics are gorgeous Anet - you have to use them, it will be a sin to keep them in a draw - I'm sure that there are some coatings that will protect against the effect of UV - like those dash board sprays etc... Put a question out here and I'm sure you'll get tons of suggestions.

    The great great grandchildren will be thrilled with them !!



  3. Hi Anet

    An ex SA guy living in France now - just to say your work is excellent - there are a few ex or current SA people on this site that produce excellent work - seems there is a lot of natural talent for the animal and people figure carving!! In the area I stay, there are also a lot of catalane "ancienne" (they are referred to as the ancients of the village) and they have very character filled faces - I aim to do some soon, but need to either have someone draw up a pencil sketch or work off a photo as I am not able to draw the pattern from scratch.

    Anyway keep posting your work, it is inspiring.



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