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  1. thanks a bunch that will help me a ton
  2. with the help of a few members ive got it narrowed down to what i have is a narrow throat champion stitcher. im going to order a manual for it, is there a model number that i need to order the right manual? any pics that any one has would be greatly appreciated
  3. my machine doesnt have that wide of a throat. but nearly all the other features appear to be the same.
  4. i have a champion stitcher but i dont know what kind. there are very few pictures anywhere that i can find. id like to know what model i have so i can get a manual for it. i think i need a different size hook but i dont know what size and knowing what machine i have might help me out in that reguard. if any of you have any ideas as to how to identify my machine or could post some pictures for me to look at that would be great. ill try to figure out how to load some pictures of it on here but im not making any promises as to if im smart enough to figure out how. thankyou

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