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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Gun Holsters
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    Holsters, sheaths, stitching, tooling
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  1. That's what I thought, which is why I didn't' think it would work real well unless I did a "slide" holster, which is not what I want to do in this case. Any ideas on adjusting it for the 4" barrel?
  2. Here are my first two holsters. I've learned a lot already, and look forward to many more! First: Second:
  3. I have a friend who wants me to make him a couple holsters.Unfortunately, he lives on the east coast, and I don't have his guns! Ihave a friend who has the same Sig Sauer that will let me model on it,so that's taken care of. But the other gun is a Kimber Pro Carry, whichI don't have, or know anyone who has it. I've already looked atblueguns.com, but they don't have that gun, and I'm not too keen onspending $50 on a fake gun anyway unless I know I'll be doing at leasta few more with it! Anybody have any other ideas? Is there another gun that is identicalthat I could try to find (maybe a generic blue gun that would be worthbuying)? Or is there a cheap BB/AirSoft gun that would match it and beappropriate for modeling?
  4. welcome to the site

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