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  1. New to the forum and am trying to find some information for a poster on another forum. He has taken possession of some of his grandfather's belongings that were located in his grandfather's shop. The gentleman apparently had owned pack horses/mules and old saddlery. The family included farmers, metal workers and gunsmiths. He wants to keep this in the family and is very interested in finding out exactly what it's use was. At first sight I was reminded of a stitching horse. Is it possible this could be a rudimentary/homemade horse? I am including his description of the item along with pictures that he supplied. Also mentioned in another posting is the fact that there is the remains of a horse shoe painted on the seat. It is slightly visible in one of the pictures. Any information or direction is greatly appreciated. "There are no moving parts, and I suspect something is missing. The legs are strapped together with leather strips, as well as the beams on top. If you look at the front view of the angled beam and notice the hole where it meets the vertical piece, that hole goes all the way through and comes out under the smaller beam that points down. There is a channel under the beam on the back side of this thing that goes all the way to the ground. It looks like some type of string, cord, yarn is supposed to be pulled through from the back. My guess is that large quantities of string or whatever is supposed to come through the hole. I wish I had what is missing from under the longer beam. There are no holes under the seat itself indicating that anything goes there."
  2. Hi! I just happened to luck into finding this forum on a search to help someone else discover what kind of treasure they have found. Many years ago my mother took up the 'hobby' of leather work and not only made items for herself but also other family members, friends and items to sell to raise money for her favourite causes. Myself, I never got beyond making a belt for my own use.......teenage years got in the way and the rest is history. I have never lost my love for leather, finding myself drawn to (and collecting) hand tooled personal items. Lots of years helping to clean and maintain harnesses instilled in me the appreciation for craftsmanship and attention to detail and comfort. While finding this site was an accident, I hope to continue visiting and now that my (and my children's) teenage years are far behind being able to finally turn to working with such a beautiful and natural medium. I'll now pop over to the History section and post a pic of an article a fellow 'nother forum member is trying to identify.......
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