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OWP Saddery

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Posts posted by OWP Saddery

  1. Matt,

    You guys are what the rest of us strive to achieve in this business, your work and knowledge are unquestionable, it is the best. But this gentleman is a beginner (without knowing for sure he will make it a profession) and may have not ever used an powered machine, he is on a budget and wants to step up to the next level. A machine such as the Cobra is a Rolls Royce to use but, for the hobbyist it may be to big of a jump.

    You are correct, the return on investment is the best it ever has been, the machines are less now than years ago thanks to competition in the market. I have sold the original Boss I bought as a hobbyist within hours of posting it (I wish I had more) I have a list of people hopeing the deal will fall through so they have a chance at it because they called me and hour after the second person I talked to bought it.

    Any more advice on buying a new machine for a beginner saddler maker

    I think you are correct, it is easier to loose 10% on $1000.00 from depreciation than 10% of $2400.00 +shipping. A beginner, not sure they are going to stick with it may not want to put out that much money for something they have never used before (power machine).

    How about a bidding war!!? lol!!!

    Just my .02cents

    Rick J.

    Any advice for a beginner saddler maker in purchising a new machine?

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