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Everything posted by charliep

  1. I haven't tried shortening the fenders yet, but for the discussion, lets say the leathers are still too long with the fenders shortened up and hole punched as short as they'll go. What would the next step be?
  2. What is the best way to go about shortening fenders/stirrup leathers on a western saddle? I have found several good discussions on replacing fenders and leathers, but I just want to know the best way to shorten them without doing any replacement. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for the help. However, I don't think this saddle is going to be worth putting the in the time and money to fix it.
  4. I've got a saddle that's horn has come loose because a horse rolled over on it. The front two legs of the horn are completely dislodged from the tree and the back two are loose. I think the tree is cracked where the two front legs of the horn used to be attached, but I don't how the horn is supposed to fastened to the tree. Is the saddle going to be repairable or is the tree shot? I'd post some pictures but I don't have a camera at the moment.
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