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  1. Thanks for checking. I'm not really interested in the other tools, only Craftool 8372. If there was one on eBay, I would have bought it. I've been searching for weeks before I posted here.
  2. Absolutely, if he's willing to sell it. Or have him email me. TheVez42 (at) gmail.com.
  3. I'm in need of a discontinued leather stamp. A Craftool 8372, the Masonic Square and Compasses. If anyone has one, they would be willing to part with, please let me know.
  4. I'm looking for some Tandy Leather 3-D animal stamps that have been discontinued. There is at least one spider (maybe 2), a spider web, and a scorpion (side view). I saw them on a sample in a store the other day. Already have this one, looking for anything else arachnid related.
  5. I'm looking for some Tandy Leather 3-D animal stamps that have been discontinued. There is at least one spider (maybe 2), a spider web, and a scorpion (side view). I saw them on a sample in a store the other day.
  6. welcome to the site

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