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Posts posted by cobbler1

  1. I am looking for a used leather patching machine, i.e shoe patching machine, 18" narrow arm preferred. Highest footlift available.

    I'm in the south florida area but I'm willing to drive a few states to get it. I would prefer one in good shape that works or at least one that mostly works and parts are easily obtainable for.

    I don't care if it's just the head or a head with a power stand. I prefer one that has the option of mounting the hand wheel in the front or at the end.

    Thanks for looking!

    Hi Suem, I am new to this forum and all of this stuff period. I recently posted about some tools and machinery left by my grandfather and one I've come to figure out is an Adler 30-1 boot patcher. I'm not sure about measurements and all that kind of thing but I do know it works by pressing the treadle and it has a wheel mounted on front. I'm in North Carolina and just email me if you have any questions and I'll try to answer them. stilljerry1@yahoo.comIMG_1265.JPG


  2. I found a couple boxes of old hand tools and some other equipment in my grandfathers old work shed. there is some leatherworking tools and some cobbler tools as well. I posted them in the gallery. i wasn't sure how to put them in with this post. there is even more stuff in the shed, it was just too heavy to get out. I didn't even know he had such an interest in this stuff. Ultimately I would like to gather about how much this stuff is worth and possibly sell it. Thanks for looking!

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