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  1. Everything I have found out is here. All pixs have a caption so just click on them. And thank you for your time! And yes both buckles are Blevins. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=23419&id=100000161518018&l=07d2f1dd59
  2. Started cleaning and found that rivets and such are copper with a very intricate design on the tops. Copper everywhere! Also took a flashlight and the word Texas or Texan is on the bottom of the latigo keeper.
  3. Thank you all! I went with the Skidmores. Worked beautifully!
  4. Obtained an old saddle and needs oiled but don"t know what kind to use or how much.
  5. An old timer cowboy gave me his old roping saddle. A 16" seat and I swear the stirrups must weigh 5 to 6 lbs each! It has a wood tree covered with some kind of checked fiberglass I think. It had an old 28 strand roping cinch on it. Quick change stirrups. The only markings I can find on it are the initials MM on the cinch strap holder and the initials JCG on the fender on one side. Any ideas??
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