So I finally finished my first actual project. (I'd been messing around, practicing on scraps....). It's a handbag, because I've wanted a Sheridan style bag forever, but was too poor to buy one....
I get my supplies at the Indianapolis Tandy store-- so used Eco-Flow antiquing gel in tan, and Fiebings leather dye in chocolate. I 'finished' it with Fiebings acrylic "Resolene" leather finish. The finish wasn't bad, but definitely not what I expected-- it was hard and stiff, almost like it had been shellacked! I assume (after reading the label again and noticing the word "acrylic") that the hard finish was due to the Resolene. One of my goals is to make some saddle bags, and I don't want them to have a hard/ stiff finish. If I want a more flexible, soft finish, what do you all recommend?
I posted pictures of the bag in the feedback section, and would appreciate comments.