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Todd C

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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Backpacking, Cycling, Architecture, Digital Photography, Computers, Pop Tarts

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  1. Gregg at Keystone Sewing had the answer. Thank you everyone for your replies. http://keysew.com/Demo_images/Consew_225_rear.jpg Thanks, Todd
  2. I just saw some pictures of similar feed dogs on ebay and it looks like there is supposed to be a groove there (although my groove is larger from repeated use). I just don't know if that is a safety measure so that the needle will slip in if the timing is off or if it's supposed to hit the groove. If it's supposed to hit the groove then I think mine is hitting the groove a little too early and blunting the tip of the needle. Please let me know if I'm on the right track and if you know of a way adjust this. Thanks, Todd
  3. I'm new to sewing machines and I have a used Consew 225 or 226 (I think it's a 226 but the model plate isn't on the machine). The best resource I've found so far is an article on the internet that shows me how to time and troubleshoot the Singer 111 W 155, Juki LU-562 and Consew 225. I'm able to get it to sew (technically speaking) but I think something is still out of alignment or not timed correctly. The perceived issue: The needle hits in a groove just before the hole in the feed dog. My observations: The needle bends very slightly and then slides into the hole. I can't tell if the feed dog was designed with that groove as its not completely symmetrical (due to what I assume is years of use). The needle that came with the machine is blunted somewhat (no surprise there) at the tip because it hits this groove every time. What I've tried: Raising and lowering the "feed lifting cam fork". Looked for a way to move the needle and/or needle bar forward (haven't found a way to do that yet). What I need: Your generous and insightful help from all of the wisdom you've collected over the years. Thanks, Todd
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