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    leather dyeing tooling and restoration
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  1. I had a little oil dye layig around so I tried to test a spot on a fender it turned purpleish and when it dried to the touch some spots looked dull and others looked more wet plastic like what did I do wrong when you apply the dye do you smother the leather or put just enough to bairley cover it? Do you need to wipe off excess before it dries? i've never done buffingf how do you go aobut that do you need any special cloths or tools to buff?
  2. I have a fox cut back saddle i know it was origionaly a reddish brown. It is now black. It has been dyed more than once. The saddle is faded in some area's and has become a little spotty and some of the pannels have brown pooking back through. the seat is in pretty bad shape it looks like it has had shoe polish on it a glossy paint look but it is streaky. I want to know how is the best way to strip seat and saddle leather and what to use and how to use it to re- dye saddle to make it uniform and all black also is ther any way i can put a Little gloss back into the leather and keep the dye from rubbing off so bad. Thank You so verry much. i am thinking about using fiebing products is this a good choice?
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