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Crash Leather

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Everything posted by Crash Leather

  1. That's what I was trying to do, but since I know nothing about shipping overseas, I didn't know I had to do anything with customs. I'm going to the Post Office right now and going to figure this thing out. Wish me luck... pictures will still be posted after the shipping debacle is solved. Steven Crash Leather if you could picture a monkey with a screwdriver about to tear something up, that is me. I hope I can put whatever it is I tear up back together!
  2. I made my first sale this Sunday and was paid, just now trying to figure out how to ship to Russia. International sales are going to kill me. Three key fobs for $30. I think I did good. I now have to figure out how to post pictures here too. 9:45 am comes way too early for this night owl. All these were per customer's specs more than less.
  3. how much meat did you get off that Starp? The on I saw was small with a bunch of teeth. Couldn't been bigger than a normal brown squirrel.

  4. I saw a Starp this morning on my porch, It had knawed on the ends of my 2x6's It was munching on them hard when my dog chased it off. It hissed at me. I got pictures of the wood if you want to see it.

  5. My next piece is in the works, either a somewhat simple version of my avatar or a different piece of art I've got being made for me for a different looking logo. I hope to have it done fairly soon.
  6. My brother is Big Papa Leather. I was just getting practice on carving my logo on a few things for our guild. I'm happy with the results, but I'm very critical of stuff I do.
  7. I didn't realize how hard this was and how long it took to make it. I think I'll stick to braiding leather.
  8. From the album: Crash Leather

    first floral

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