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Everything posted by joobacca

  1. Thanks for all your help folks! I will definitely give the metal washer a try. I haven't had any trouble cutting the leather, it's just that when I fold the piece of leather together, the corners don't always match up evenly. I thought if I used a punch, it would keep things a bit more consistent! Thanks again, Jason
  2. Thanks! Just sent him an e-mail! Thanks for the detailed explanation Dwight! I wish I were more of a handy man. If I were, I'd definitely try my hand at this, but alas, I am not! Jason
  3. Hmm, looks like the internet is only showing cornering machines and not punches. Tandy Leather has some strap end punches, but it seems like they won't make a perfectly round corner shape. Jason
  4. Ahhh that makes sense! I guess they make these corner punches in different sizes? I'll check out a local Tandy Leather. Hopefully they'll have a few different kinds! Thanks! Jason
  5. Hey folks, I just recently dipped my feet into leather working! So far I've been making very basic card holders and it's been a blast. As for my question, I was wondering how you get perfectly round corners when cutting leather. So far, I've been using a small bottle to trace and then cutting. It works pretty well, but each corner is not always the same. Is there a better way? Thank you! Jason (Just to be clear, I am not talking about edging!)
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