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Posts posted by SelfTaught123

  1. Thank you for your wonderful step by step on this pouch and process, I have been starting teaching self the wet shaped leather work field, planning on doing masks for my friends and my self, however, this pouch has given me an idea for a Double Cased Item, a spherical purse, about five inches diameter. Do you have any sugestions on doing a double shaped item, rather than an item that is shaped on one side, and flat form on the other?

  2. Very helpful, I hadn't thought about starting micro and then going macro with the patterning. Starting with a doll head is not a technique I have heard of anyone using before. I am trying to acquire a good face-form, I think that will help my process alot. The tips for stitching the pieces together (getting the rough incision scar style stitch lines, cannot think of a better way to describe) will be veryuseful, I really dig that style. Many thanks!

    I have been thinking about a face-form for masks my self. My plan is to make one, my self, using a body of Foil (great, mailable stuff for heat resistant body fill) toped with Super Sculpy, coated with hard epoxy (i also use that to coat wood carved projects, when they need to be waterproof) to ad strength and rigidity. I am not sure how it will work out, but my first mask on it will be a Green Man mask with glasses lenses built in (as a prescription wearer, I have trouble with masks) for FantasyFest... some year.

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