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Everything posted by Seminole1

  1. Thank you, Steven, for that info., this is one of the reasons I was interested in joining this site, (to learn, learn, and learn some more). Sorry to say, I don't know what has happened to the belt I referred to in my original post. I do remember it however, it just seemed different from your "average" belt in that it was VERY soft and supple but yet VERY tough at the same time. That belt lasted for a very long time. My father purchased this belt in Mexico and I even asked all over the place on a couple of my trips there to no avail. I am wondering if it could have been horsehide? The only thing that bothers me about the possibility of this is that I was reading an article which stated that Mule Hide is a bit tougher than Horsehide. I am CERTAINLY open to any "words of wisdom" concerning this whole thing and am very appreciative of same as I love learning new things from people who like to share in their knowledge. Thanks
  2. Thank You very much. I am looking forward to the comraderie that appears to be going well on this site!

  3. Does anyone happen to know where I could possibly find some belts made from "Mule Hide (Mule Leather)"? My father bought one some years ago and has wanted another one ever since. I believe he purchased his from Mexico (I've even looked there as well). It's become a quest of mine to find these belts as my father is having a rather serious (what's not) battle with cancer and I REALLY want to find this for him. ANY help would be MOST appreciated! Thanks.
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