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  1. I will look into the machines you mentioned. Seams like for my interests, I will end up with at least 2 more machines. I tend to like dealing with the heavy veg-leather and have several upholstery projects waiting, with more to come. I will make a list of leather work I am interested in and talk to the venders you suggested. Thank you for your help. bg
  2. Thank you for the fast response. I got the idea the owner had used the machine a very long time, and though he took care of it, probably has some miles on it. I was looking at your sponsors and saw the tippman boss manuel machine. I am not looking to go fast, and another post said that leather work and speed don't mix. Would that machine be a good match for what I am looking for?
  3. been doing some research on machines and was finding all kinds of misinformation. Stumbled on this forum an found sections for everything I am interested in. I and teaching myself to tool leather, and would like to make belts, collars, holsters and scabbards. Maybe also car, and motorcycle upholstery. love to work with my hands and make useful things with some art and craftmanship in them. I also build 50's era hotrods and bikes and shoot pistols.
  4. I am teaching myself how to tool leather and would like to get a machine to sew belts, collars, motorcycle seats, and maybe holsters and tack. I have a local upholsterer who is selling an entire shop with tools and some inventory for $2000. He has used a Pfaff 145 for years and it is in working condition and everything goes. He did mostly vinyl boat covers, seat and car upholstery. Will this do what I need? Or should I keep looking. I am interested in doing some of this work to help pay for my equipment and get practice, but I would like to use this machine to do the other work also. Any help is appreciated. I just found this forum and it is a great resource. thanks.
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