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    All that inspires!

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    All there is to know.
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  1. Are there any estimates of how many individual projects 15-17 sg feet would produce? I want to get a good deal on the leather that I buy, but it seems the only way to do that is to buy around 15 - 25 sq feet of it!
  2. Tom, thanks for your reply! What type of laser and rivet setter should I get? Do you know of any good, affordable ones?
  3. Thanks for the reply. As far as the amount of leather (and type) of leather that is required for the Tandy starter sets how did you come up with the amount of 9-10 oz.? Also what type of leather should I get? Sides?splits? pigskin? Lol! I'm seriously new to this...so I need details! ^_^
  4. Complete beginner to leatherworking here. I need to know what type of tools and supplies are needed in order to make something like this Corset and Bra . Of course this isn't the first leather item I will attempt to make, but I would like to go ahead and provide for my long-term goal before pouring tons of cash into practicing. Also - is it just pointless to buy a leatherworking kit? I've searched through the Tandy site and the only kits I see that may be worth purchasing are ridiculously priced. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the welcome! ^_^

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