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Everything posted by LoriF

  1. Thanks all, I ended up using a scrap of suede and no problems, but I think I'm definitely going to check out the poundo boards--
  2. Do you happen to know who has the best price on poundo boards, or are they known by another name or type of material to try and source locally (although I'm in Maine and pretty much nothing is sourced locally except seafood They seem kind of expensive, at least on Tandy's site.
  3. That's exactly what I needed to know, thank you! So they are called "embossed" ? I had a feeling I was not getting the search word right
  4. I have the snap setter tool set from Tandy, but I have an iron cross snap and don't want to mar or dent/bend the decorative cap. Is there anything special to setting these snaps as opposed to regular 4 part snaps? An what are these types of snaps called? I've searched for answers but maybe not using the right words
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