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  1. Hey. There is a man, who calls himself jumpsuitman, on EBay, who is an old Singer machine expert. Look him up on EBay and his store site. Lots of other Singers, and his home phone #. Nice guy and full of info. I use a Singer 66 , and for most jobs it does fine. I make mostly saddlebags and tapaderos, usually 6-8 oz. It will do three layers, but not four.

  2. Please help. If anyone know what a fair price on a singer 131-L is I need to know. Thank you
  3. Ops! it's a singer 131-L

  4. Thank you for the welcome. Do you know much about a used leather sewing machine would sell for? I am buying one and want to pay a fair price.

  5. welcome to the site

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