Thank You for the replies,
(Roo4u) I was also thinking that this was a 50th anniversary saddle also, But havnt found any others like it/ info/pictures or write ups on it. Iv seen American 50th anniversary saddles and they are differnt, and Mine has a nicer horn cap buckle . American ones have a carved floral plate horn cap. Also mines numbered! No.36 ? like how many where there? 36 a model number? number on line like #36 out of #50? Could it be my missing serial number? haha Has me puzzled.
(Dirtclod) Yes I agree, Just this saddles alot more dressed up to be a roper I thought, even for its day. I checked the buckles and rivitts on the Belvins and all is good, but noticed one post was a bit weak, nice little weld will do er. I now have a question , Im wanting to know what would be the best thing for this leather right now, I cleaned it up, and used Leather CPR, did a fine job, but i kinda think it could use a good soaking ?( be a good idea or no?) and if so best brands, and kinds? This saddles been well looked after , but for the last 4 or so years be sitting out in a dusty barn.
Thank Ray